The bastion was painted either with some very rough grey auto primer or perhaps that GW texture paint they came out with a while back. I mulled over what to do with it and came to the conclusion it would be quicker and easier to re-prime the piece and start over.
I primed it black and used various metals to bring the color back up. This would match the other Grey Knights items he has. Then I picked out some details with some gold and gave them a wash. I think it came out a bit better than expected.
The tank was assembled but not painted so it was much easier. He has a Grey Knights army so he wanted it done in the same metallic color to go with the other pieces he has. He's not a big fan of the white and red stripes they have on the studio paint jobs so I decided to leave them off of this piece.
I started by airbrushing the whole tank with bolt-gun metal from GW over a black primer. I took my time, working from the center of the panels to the edges, making sure there was more paint in the center of the panels and surfaces to give them the start of a highlight.
Next I drybrushed a highlight of P3's Cold Steel. Finally I picked out the other details such as the tracks, guns, view blocks, etc. A couple coats of clear finished the process.
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