Just completed another Napoleonic French army. These are again AB Figures. Completing this job gets us much closer to catching up after Cold Wars.
Again the customer will do their own basing. I'm not crazy about showing figs without basing/ flocking as I'm never really happy about their appearance but here they are anyway.
And before anyone brings it up, yes, I know some bayonets and plumes need straightened. That will be done as they are packed for shipping. I was in a hurry to get the pics done as I needed the table space to work on some prep work for some other orders.
Voltigers of the Line |
Light Infantry Voltigers |
Voltigers and Casualties |
Light Infantry |
Line Infantry |
That's a lot of white straps! |
Extra Officers |
The flag bearers all had their hands drilled out to accept pre-made flags, probably form the Flag Dude. The customer was handling this as well.